Informed commentary on the book of john chapter 1

He came in the spirit and power of elias, but he was not the person of elias. John with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. This phrase fully proves, in the mouth of an inspired writer, that jesus christ was no part of the creation, as he existed when no part of that existed. For myself i have to say that it is the most satisfying commentary that i have ever read on this gospel. It is only in lukes gospel that the births of john and jesus are recorded. Nothing more fully shows the darkness of mens minds, than that when the light had appeared, there needed a witness to call attention to it. In the beginninga period of remote and unknown antiquity, hid in the depths of eternal ages. It became the apostles to open to the disciples the. Who is the author of this letter, and how does he describe himself 1. John chapter 1 kjv king james version homosexuality is a modern day name for an ancient sin called sodomy.

The first book of moses, called genesis commentary by robert jamieson chapter 1 see introduction to the pentateuch and historical books gen 1. What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life john the apostle saw the lord, the king of glory, with human eyes, studied him. This book discusses one of the most important set of verses in one of the most important chapters in one of the most important books of the bible. Johns gospel free bible study notes, commentary, and comments. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god. Dr hendriksen is acknowledged and recognised as an outstanding new testament scholar who is thoroughly uptodate and fully aware of all modern movements of thought.

The same was in the beginning with god, that the lord, as to his divine human principle, which is divine truth, existed from eternity, in undivided union with the. In verses 1 5, john tells us that jesus was the word, the light of the world and that proclaims his deity. That was the true light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world john 1. The gospel of john for youth commentary by pastor ron beckham. A commentary on the gospel of john, chapter three mr james thomas lee jr on. David guzik commentary on 1 john 1 emphasizes the center of our relationship to god, which is found in jesus christ, who is life and light. John 1 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Peter and the beloved disciple have been informed by mary magdalene that. More than onethird of all nt occurrences of the verb glorify occur in john. Let is look to the spirit of god to guide us in understanding this text as he meant us to. Lord, we thank you for your goodness, for the hope that we have in christ jesus, for the grace, the truth and for the understanding that youve communicated. John chapter 1 jesus the word who has always existed 1.

To join our mailing list to be informed of new books or. With a solemn assertion and attestation of these grounds and evidences of the christian truth and doctrine. In this introduction he asserts the eternal divinity of christ, in order to inform us that. That all men through him might believe he testified that jesus was the true light the true teacher of the way to the kingdom of glory, and the lamb or sacrifice of god, which was to bear away the sin of the world, john 1. Dionysius noted that john did not name himself in his epistles, not even in the second and third epistles, although they are short. The baker exegetical commentary on the new testament. Understanding john chapter one by joel hemphill in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god john 1. Lets begin in a prayer as we continue our study of john. In the first versus of john, jesus is referred to as the word, john says that jesus was with god and that jesus was god. The third encourages believers to receive and help those who teach it. The narrative which this evangelist gives us or rather god by him of the life of. The entire gospel is the apostles testimony to jesus as the eternal word, messiah, and son of god who brings the gift of salvation to all who will. The book of john starts with the words in the beginning the same as genesis.

John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, this was he of whom i spake, he that cometh after me is preferred before me. Previously in this gospel we have seen the apostle john, the author of this gospel, present jesus christ in eternity past vs. Read john 1 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. Commentary on the gospel of john chapter 1 by cooper abrams. When gabriel informed zacharias that he and his wife would have a. The gospel of john chapter one 1 b e l i e v e r s b i b l e s t u d y the gospel of john chapter 1 introduction. The apostles publish these assurances for our satisfaction. In the book of daniel, there is a description of someone like a son of man daniel 7. Zachariass song of praise, in thankfulness for the birth of john, and in prospect.

Read 1 john 1 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible concise. John expressly asserted it, and wrote in this book as it were a supplement to the gospels, as in the revelation to the prophets. Assignments on james 1 please read the whole book of james at least once as we study chapter 1. Verses 3551 3 note, depending on whether time was reckoned by the typical hebrew method, or the roman method, it would either be 4 pm in the afternoon, or 10 am in the morning. The apostle john is the author of the gospel of john, 1, 2, and 3 john and revelation. The design appears to be, to refute and guard against erroneous and unholy tenets, principles, and practices, especially. Study the bible online using commentary on john 4 and more. However, by following in the word and obeying the commandments set forth by god, the believer is choosing to lead an enlightened life. That which, not him who, because it is not merely the person of christ which he is going to declare, but also his being, all that relates to him, his gospel, the. In the beginningof all time and created existence, for this word gave it being john 1. We must not believe every teacher who professes to have a divine commission to preach, but try such, whether they be of god. Observations on this first portion of the book, which is one long sentence in the original manuscript. The other gospel accounts inform us that jesus had met many of them before.

This verse completely dispels the false idea that john 1. Yet theyre all loosely tied together by the same ideas. A workbook suitable for bible classes, family studies, or. Glory doxa and glorify doxazo appear fortytwo times in john, most of them in 21. Outline of the book of i john floral heights church of. John 1 indepth versebyverse bible study and commentary of john chapter 1 in plain english. The gospel of john begins with a lovely little poem about jesus. David guzik commentary on john1 gives a prologue to the gospel of john,the. In the beginning that is, before any thing was formed ere god began the great work of creation. That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, 1 john 1. In this age of unprecedented proliferation of biblical commentary series, it is an outstanding accomplishment for the baker exegetical series consistently to have produced what, with only rare exceptions, have become the best available commentaries on the greek text of the new testament book or books treated. But when, at length, some from hence began to doubt of his godhead, then st. The scope and design of this chapter is to confirm our faith in christ as the eternal son of god, and the true messiah and saviour of the world, that we may be brought to receive him, and rely upon him, as our. The probable explanation of this verse, and the only one which gives an adequate meaning to first and his own, is that each of the two disciples in the.

Commentary on the gospel of john bible study notes and comments by david e. John was not that prophet whom moses said the lord would raise up to them of their brethren, like unto him. The son comes on the scene in the context of the ministry of john the baptist. Get the niv cultural backgrounds study bible notes when you upgrade to bible gateway plus. The second warns the faithful against the reception of those who do not teach the doctrine of christ, especially the truth respecting the person of christ. John was one of them and we catch a glimpse of his breathless excitement in verse 1 of this chapter. The contents and the structure of this gospel presuppose the readers familiarity with the three synoptic gospels. This is part 2 in a 23part study on the book of john. John said that when we do sin, jesus is there on our behalf as the propitiation. The gospel of john is probably the book that has been written last of all the books of the bible. Commentaries for john chapter 1 john introduces the story of the revelation of the glory of god. Johns gospel free bible commentary in easy english.

This was because jesus was the son of man see also john 1. Yet what gives the gospel of john its meaning is the apostle johns presentation of jesus as the christ, the son of god. John chapter 1 words in red in the scriptures are the words of jesus verse 1. The baker illustrated bible commentary is a complete revision of the wellknown baker commentary on the bible edited by walter elwell, now featuring new articles and vibrant fullcolor images on more than 1,800 pages, complete with photos, maps, and timelines to illustrate the text. The apostle john begins with the purpose of writing this letter by stating, i am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. In the first letter, the elder encourages the christians in his community to stay together.

Those who deny that jesus christ is come in the flesh have the spirit of antichrist, 2,3. This informationpacked commentary helps readers gain a deeper. James, the half brother of the lord and the pastor of the jerusalem church, encouraged these new believers to take the example of the prophets who. We are at the outset of a story that will reveal to us the most profound mysteries of life. Study the bible online using commentary on luke 1 and more. He was not such a prophet as they expected, who would rescue them from the. John 1 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. The whole theology about being born again is based upon a conversation that had happened between jesus and a pharisee. Studies from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd john bible study guide. All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.

Here is a summary and commentary on first john chapter two. He says that all things were created through jesus. New testament gospel of john chapter summaries hubpages. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and god was the word. General introduction overview suppose you are heavily involved in some cause or movement. The apostle admires the love of god in making believers his children.

The gospel of john is the fourth section of what some call the fourfold gospel, with four voices giving different perspectives on the life of jesus of nazareth. The term occurs 34 times in the gospel of john, 20 times in the johannine epistles 18 times in 1 john, 2 times in 2 john, and 1 time in revelation. The wide spread misunderstanding of this verse among christians is the source of much of the confusion that exists regarding who. Here we have three different letters, written at different times, to different people. The same was in the beginning with god this verse repeats and contracts into one the three points mentioned before. The prologue has prepared us to see nothing less than the coming of the divine light, the son of god, revealing the glory of god, full of grace and truth. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was fully god. This epistle is a discourse upon the principles of christianity, in doctrine and practice. The followers of god have been enabled to discern and overcome them, 46. In the king james version of the bible the text reads. This commentary has been through advanced checking. The second and third epistles of john insist on the truth. He was not that light, but was sent to bear witness of that light.